GMAA-MJA Partnership Updates


Hello MAA Family,
In an effort to keep you informed on the progress of the partnership agreement between our two schools, we have created this page just for you. The committee tasked with working out the details of the partnership agreement is called the Memphis Partnership Organizing Committee (MPOC) and is comprised of representatives from the Southern Union, South-Central Conference (SCC), Kentucky-Tennessee Conference (KTC), and both school boards, as well as MAA faculty, pastors, and parents. The committee is steered by a strategic consulting team of professionals from KDN Philanthropy, Wayfinding Partners, and Shared Cause.
Where are we now? With the goal of finalizing an agreement in time for the new school year, the MPOC meets regularly via Zoom. At the moment, four subcommittees are working on the priority areas of the agreement, namely: • Student and Personnel Development• Governance and Structure• Culture and Communications; and• Finance, Facilities and Sustainability.By working in smaller groups, the subcommittees can be more efficient in completing tasks, which are then shared with the larger MPOC for feedback.
Heroes on the Frontline! No doubt, the commitment of our dedicated faculty and staff to implement the 2022-2023 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with such short turnaround time is highly commendable. Our teachers are true heroes on the frontline who are faithful to the mission of providing a Christ-centered education for our students that prepares them not just for college-and-career, but for eternity.
Stronger together! The partnership between GMAA and MJA will be a unique show of unity within our Seventh-day Adventist church and the Memphis community. Truly, “we have been made a spectacle to the whole universe, to angels as well as to human beings” (1 Corinthians 4:9).
Thank you for your support, encouragement, prayers, and commitment to the mission and vision of MAA.