Our Vision 

Our vision is to be the premier school for a Christ-centered, growth-focused, holistic, college-and-career-ready education that prepares a diverse student population for a saving relationship with Christ, and service to humanity. 

Our Mission 

The MJA family exists to show children Jesus, nurture their love for HIm and others, teach them to think, and empower them to serve.

Our Purpose

To make learning meaningful and practical while pointing to our Creator as the source of wisdom and knowledge. To foster high standards of academic achievement and critical thinking through a rigorous and relevant curriculum. To personalize the teaching/learning environment in a manner designed to help each student maximize his/her spiritual, mental, physical, social, and cultural talents.

To provide opportunity for service and to develop young people who will be dedicated to serving their God and their fellow men. To teach the pleasures, privileges, and blessing of service to others, and engage in activities designed to foster acceptance of these principles.

To learn to live healthy lives remembering that our bodies are the temples of God. To promote the understanding and practice of the principles of healthful living.

To develop in our students thoughtfulness, kindness, and the ability to think of others first and help them develop a well-rounded personality and refined social skills.

To show students that the best way to lead is by example as Jesus did. To lead students to a knowledge and love of God and help them develop a relationship with Christ through Bible studies and baptism. To develop respect and reverence for the Bible. To assist parents and the church in the formation of Christ-like characters in their children. To foster qualities of Christian character: respect, reverence, responsibility, commitment, integrity, and concern for others. To promote, via all aspects of the school program, the unique “way of life” espoused by the Seventh-day Adventist church, including its philosophy, mission, doctrines, structure, and fellowship.

To inspire love and loyalty for their country and respect for recognized authority. To nurture cooperation and interaction with the local community and/or civic agencies. To encourage appreciation, acceptance, and respect for all people groups.

To keep parents and constituent churches informed of current events and progress at MJA. To promote and develop the family atmosphere of the school, cultivate and communicate a genuine “church school” environment, and develop opportunities for parental contact. To encourage involvement of parents and constituent church members and encourage and cultivate involvement of the MJA students in the Adventist Church by providing opportunities for students to develop leadership skills and encourage their use in the church.

Our History

Memphis Junior Academy (MJA) opened its doors in 1910, as an eight-grade elementary school. The Memphis First Seventh-day Adventist Church has operated the school since its inception, being joined by the Raleigh Seventh-day Adventist Church in 1951.
In 1920, the school moved from Faxon Avenue to a new location at the corner of North Parkway and Dunlap, where it remained until moving to its current location on seven acres of land at 50 North Mendenhall Road in 1954. It became a junior academy, initially offering grades one through ten, in 1929, with Kindergarten being added later. A Pre-K program was added in 2006. In 2016 the first class of Seniors graduated from MJA’s new high school program, completing a longstanding dream to offer a comprehensive educational experience for Memphis area families.
The purpose of the school has always been to offer the highest quality education possible to the young people who attend Memphis Junior Academy, training and encouraging them to become church and community leaders.
Throughout MJA’s history, it has continued to improve the quality of education provided. While emphasis has continued to be strong in the core subjects, in recent years instruction has begun in additional areas. Underlying all learning is a strong emphasis on Bible study, Christian growth, and character development.
Among the graduates and former students of Memphis Junior Academy are numerous successful ministers, doctors, teachers, dentists, nurses, businessmen and women, and many outstanding leaders in all walks of life.